Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Homeless - Church Steps

Homeless - Church Steps
Originally uploaded by gawnesco.
this is sad,shouldn't the doors of the church be open not closed.WWJD open the doors


Originally uploaded by fotografar.
how sad :(

SF egg2.JPG

SF egg2.JPG
Originally uploaded by sodist.
we are so spoild here in America

Saturday, January 20, 2007

woman in despair

woman in despair
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.

I am getting picture for a prodject Robert asked me to get,for the 30 hour famine coming up in FEB.
The kinda picture I have to get are people in a grat famine ,poor and homeless from around the world.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Well,Shuga is sweet,and home sweet is it that we will get to kick Nick saban's booty next year in football!!!!!I hope he realizes how bad he messed up by saying he wasn't gonna leave for the offer to go coach the Miami Dolphin's ,and then turnd around took the offer,then he didn't do so well so he went to take the job back in College football to be a coach Alabama eww.

We LSU Tiger fans ,are gonna get a good laugh when we beat Alabamas behind!!!

Monday, January 01, 2007

long time no update

Well, its been a long time no update ,I recently got a laptop for Christmas I really enjoy the laptop alot I not have mobility with the enternet cecking emails ,meetings,social events,and more!!Now people that no me be like what meeting are you talking about ,the meetings would be for the 30 hour Famine coming up with the youth,this will evolve several local churchesyouth groups!! the 30 Hour Famine is to not only raise awareness to the public about the seriousness of the poverity in the world ,but to raise money ,and also give the partisipants a brief feel of sort of how it is to be in that kinda situation.