We all have to do that dread full chore of cleaning and dusting around the house,fellas don't think that its an awful chore if your lady as your to do the cleaning and dusting,the same goes for kids don't think of it as awful when your parents ask you to clean either ,because believe me its not their most favorite thing to do either. I would be a hypocrite if I told you that it doesn't seem awful to me
,but enough of talking about cleaning the house and lets get to the other thing that need our tlc,I am not talking about tune ups ,virus scanning ,malware scanning,that one way to show so tlc to your machine.But now think about that dust it gets in the fans and when the dust dirt collect in a pc,just like in a house it make the air thick and sometimes can make it harder to breath.Computers have motherboards,hard drives fans ,and other components in side the case and we rely on the fans to keep the stuff in side our computer to run cool and not over heat ,and we also have exhaust fan to take the heat out as well ,so here is what you can do to help kee you computer dust free and running cool.
what can I do here is what you can do and how to do it..
1.save those old dryer sheets .
2. measure the back of the computer fans ans air vents are
4.cute the fabric softener to fit the air where the fans and air vent are
5.go to the hardware store and get so panters tape,pants tape is usually blue
6. tape the fabric sheet in pace and u have a dust cover for your air vent
note : canned air is a good thing to still keep around because if the inside of your computer has dust in it before you you make the dust covers for you vents,you will only be trapping the dust inside .