Monday, December 21, 2009


In today's world we are all so consumed by television ads , ads that say this product will make our life better and ads that say wear this and you will be hot new kid on the block, and when we let these messages consume us its very easy to self centered, greedy, and self focused. Everywhere you look there are shopping malls popping up , restraunts, and other shops and businesses all competing against one another for our business.The Holidays become prime target to run ads saying to us by this product , and if you buy this product this person will know you you care, or the ad will say if buy this product you wil need this product to go along with it to work to the fullest and then , we become in debt . It is estimated that we spent 450 billion dollars on Christmas alone last year, and it would take around 10 billion to cure the water crisis in the world and give people clean drinking water.Also,look around you see new businesses popping up on every street corner, and you see tons of abandon building that could be reused to house these businesses ,and yet we tear down trees to build new business and subdivisions. Building all of this new stuff, we tear down trees and destroy plants that could be used for food, and not only that the trees and plant clean our air ,and with clean air we not only feel better, but our over all health is better,the trees and plants provide shelter for animals and food for them to live.Buzzards one of the most unattractive birds, except for the Hawk and the eagle , buzzards help keep the spread of diseases from spreading, diseases that can be contracted humans or by our live stock that we raise for food. in this post I am not trying to point the finger ,so In hope this did not come across as a finger point.