ok so this week I was gonna have an MRI because of the vertigo,I can't do Regular MRI's or the new open ones because unlike open cat scans the machine is not really open its just shorter .The Lady from the Radiology clinic called my mom today and was explaining because she did not want me miss lead . the reason I can not do MRI's of the brain one because they put you in this vice and most of yall know about the Back surgery and ever thing and you would have to squeeze me in,and at the angle they would have my neck it would be hard for me to breathe and on top of that the anxiety .
The Rant
Open MRI sounds good except it does not equal open as what the word used to
Describe it no here is what it looks like
ok I just really wanna find out Answers to my Vertigo episodes I get when we have the really strong high or low pressure systems in the Atmospher,I want to address a
situation and get it taken care of .I don't mean to come across negative because, I am so happy the lady called my mom to explain,But one can be miss lead be cause of out cat scans the word open means open not shorter,But this can not just miss leading to a patient ,but also to the Doctor and I am gonna defend my doctor he did not know. My Doctor hear is a regular Doctor who is Specialized in internal medicine , but he is not Neurologist .
Open Cat scan
The open Cat Scan machine,has a bigger opening and the bed you lay on is some what flatter , and because of larger opening you can put pillows behind the persons head.
Prayer needs
I am trying to find a Vertigo specialist ,please be not only praying for me find a specialist,but also that the Vertigo won't come back period. What got us all concerned is when i get the Vertigo I get the massive headaches and I smell this strong oder in my nose , you since of smell is controlled by the frontal lobe.