Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jesus Christ has the power to ...

Here are some more examples of what jesus has the power to...

1. there has been a shortage of the enzyme i take for the Gauchers Disease , my ifusions are supposed to be every two weeks, well hey have been once a month so times even longer than that.but ,I have not gotten sick once with bone pain or anything!!

2. my eye aight continues to improve every day ,my eye sight is 20/25 in the left and 20/50 in the right and the right eye is every day getting stronger!!

3. my mom and I's relationship is continuing to improve!!

Psalm 121 (New International Version)

Psalm 121

A song of ascents.
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?

2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;

4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;

6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.

7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;

8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

Monday, April 19, 2010

head above the water

I had been praying for months for God to restore my mom an I's relationship, and for the past week it seems to be on the up hill climb back in into a healthy relationship ,it feels so wonderful !! I need to not get off guard ,but continue to stay in prayer and in the Word .