Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Who are we trying to impress here?
Do you think God is impressed with us caring around bumper stickers, and slapping wwJD bracelets on if we are not really representing him with out actions ? I no i not perfect and I don't alway do a good job representing Christ, but with all of that stuff that makes look like a walking billboard is it really necessary ,because its not like you can take that stuff with you when you die
Thursday, December 20, 2007
are you local or corpret ?
Which Coffee shop do you prefer Starbucks or CC's coffee,and are you a coffee of the day person or a specialty coffee person?
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Random questions
Do you have a green thumb?
Are you a good speller?
What kind of critters are you scared / nervous of?
Do you collect anything? What?
What is something that makes you cringe?
Do you have any weird habits? What?
Are you a good speller?
What kind of critters are you scared / nervous of?
Do you collect anything? What?
What is something that makes you cringe?
Do you have any weird habits? What?
Jesse tree
Starting on December 1st with an empty banner or tree, a reminder ornament is hung each day until Christmas Day when the Christ child in the manger and star are placed at the top. A Bible verse is read, and the story reviewed. These devotions allow time every day for sharing with your children, or meditating with God's Word on your own.
We started our Jesse Tree family devotions over fifteen years ago, and have used it with children from infancy to age 25. It has helped us focus on God, and has become the most meaningful tradition of the season. You too can make the Jesse Tree a tradition that can come to be the most memorable part of the season.
Jesse was the father of King David. The idea of the Jesse Tree comes from Isaiah 11:1-9, where God promises a discouraged nation that the glory they remember from David’s time will come again. They will have another king from Jesse’s family, in whose reign the whole earth will know God. As a Christian, we see that promise fulfilled in Jesus, and so we use a Jesse Tree and decorate it with reminders of how God prepared the world for that kingdom.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
there are many thing about me some you may know and some I don't make known to start off you all know I love computers thats just a given if you are around me you know that a is right off the bat one of my intrest ,but what you may not know is parts of my life where I just basicly need to step away from computers and other electronics and just need down time to just sit and gather my thoughs and just ponder. Another thing is sometimes I just need to have my one on one times with friends to talk about issues,and to catch up on whats going in their life as well.sometimes I just need that shoulder to lean on ,like the song goes "lean on me when your not strong",but its not really so much that I am weak its more I just need someone to listen and just be there for me.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
for sometime know my so called friend have forgotten me they either have gone to something and passed right bye my house and have gone to do thing they know that I might like to go to like tailgating,or number of other things,and when I talk to them they are full of excuses from I thought about calling you,or did not know if you wanted to go,or what gets me is well i could have picked you up but I could have brought you home .I know but those are excuses if it I could not be able to bring you home call me i might know someone else who could bring me home ,i might can make plan to get home or call my mom.It just feels like my friend are not wanting to be bothered ,a friend of mine said I try to locate you tickets to the LSU game this weekend ,he said he keeps forgetting to try to get me tickets ,the other day come to find out he got a ticket for him,well thanks for trying he know I want to try to get to a game this make 2 years in a roll I have not been to a game.I don't me to whine its not the ticket I just wanna hang out at least at tailgate party well this my frustrations and i am just gonna stop asking to hang out or anything ,because it seems my so called friend forget me.
Monday, October 22, 2007
long time no update
this is my long time no update , things are going rally well for me and I see God everywhere this week!!!
question for the day where did you see God today?
question for the day where did you see God today?
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
post a secret
In early October, Apple began hyping the iPod's release (which was still a secret from the press after eight months of development). The hype culminated in an announcement that Apple would make a major announcement on October 23, 2001, and that it was "not Mac".
Rumors immediately flared up about a revitalized Newton or PVR, but no major site predicted that Apple would release an MP3 player.
The iPod was announced to the world from a rented auditorium near Apple's corporate campus in Cupertino. The audience - and the rest of the computer industry - was shocked by the product. No one grasped the importance of the device to Apple and the music industry in general until much later. Many reacted to the product with hostility, with criticisms that ranged from its $400 price to the scroll wheel and its lack of Windows compatibility.
A month later, the iPod was released in Europe to an enthusiastic reception. As more units sold, an entire ecosystem began to form around the device, as new accessories and software products were released.
A 10 GB version of the 1G (1st generation) iPod was introduced later.
Going Windows
The most popular iPod accessory was a utility that allowed users to sync an iPod's playlists with a Windows PC. Apple took note and made the July 2002 version of the iPod - now with as much as 20 GB of storage space - compatible with Windows PC through MusicMatch. Apple also included PIM software on the iPod.
The original spinning scroll wheel was replaced by a solid state scroll wheel similar to a notebook's touchpad. It continued to be surrounded by a ring of buttons just like the 1G iPod.
Madonna iPodTo the surprise of many, Apple started engraving iPods with text and even graphics. Several bands and companies licensed their logos to Apple, which engraved them on the back of the device. These new "special" iPods were available in time for the 2002 Christmas shopping season.
iPod: The 3rd Generation
Another hardware revision came in April 2003, bringing the iPod into its third generation. In a packed hall, Steve Jobs announced the new revision, which had no mechanical buttons. The function buttons were moved to just below the screen and were solid state, like the scroll wheel.
The new version also sported a new dock connector that supported both FireWire and USB 2.0, making it easier for PC users to connect to their iPods, since few Windows PC had FireWire ports. Capacities ranged from 10 GB up to 40 GB.
With the 3G iPod, Apple moved from the lithium polymer batteries found in 1G and 2G iPods to lithium-ion batteries, which would power all future iPods.
The most important update to the iPod was not actually a hardware or software feature. It was the fulfillment of Tony Fadell's goal of creating an entire business around the iPod.
The iTunes Music Store (iTMS) was announced in the summer of 2003 and opened days later. Now, the iPod had a fully legal supply of content, and made it easier for Apple to rationalize cutting the price of the iPod now that it had another revenues source.
This also marked the beginning of the end of Apple's relationship with MusicMatch, which also launched its own music store. Tracks purchased from MusicMatch could not be played on an iPod. To the disappointment of many PC users, iTMS required iTunes, which was only available for Mac OS X until June of 2003. Then Apple released iTunes for the PC, allowing Windows users to access the iTMS. Along with the iTMS, Apple also bumped up the capacity of the iPod, without changing the design.
All was not well for Apple and the iPod, though. Many of the Sony batteries used in the original iPod were beginning to fail by autumn of 2003. A class action suit was brought against the company, and Apple eventually agreed to replace the iPod's battery, even if it was out of warranty (though those customers had to pay a $99 fee).
Smaller: iPod mini
Rumors of a new version of the iPod flew as Toshiba announced that it had created a hard drive about half the size of the one used in the iPod. It was rumored that such an iPod would cost a little over $70 to make, making it possible to compete with high-end flash players that still dominated the market. During the January 2004 Macworld Expo keynote address, Jobs announced several revisions to the iPod line, all of them price breaks. During the last fifteen minutes, he announced that there would be a new member of the iPod family, the iPod mini.
iPod miniThe mini was based on a Hitachi drive the same size of the new Toshiba drive, and it had a capacity of 4 GB. In homage to the iMac, the mini was available in five different colors: blue, green, pink, silver, and gold. Because of its size, the controls of the iPod had to be rearranged to fit on the mini. The function buttons were moved to the scroll wheel. The mini also had a smaller screen. At $249, the mini cost much less than many flash-based players available at the time, and it had a much higher capacity.
Also at the Expo, Apple released a retouched 1984 ad that featured the runner wearing the signature white earbuds of the iPod.
A second generation iPod mini was introduced in February 2005 with a new chipset, much longer battery life (18 hours vs. 8 hours), and a 6 GB version was added. The unpopular gold finish was discontinued.
The 4th Generation iPod
HP, which had sold several flash-based MP3 players under the Compaq brand in the late nineties, wanted in on the iPod game. The behemoth (then the largest PC manufacturer in the world) did not want to invest in creating its own player or adopt Microsoft's struggling format (later named Plays4Sure) and reached an agreement with Apple to remarket the iPod under the HP brand and include iTunes on all consumer computers the company sold.
The agreement came to fruition in 2004 with the HP+iPod line. The HP name got the iPod into many retailers that did not sell Apple products, such as Wal-Mart.
The iPod was a huge hit. Apple had sold millions of devices and was raking in money (although barely making a profit from iTMS). BMW outfitted all of its vehicles with an iPod interface that allows BMW owners to play their music over the BMW's sound system and control their iPod through the steering wheel.
In mid-2004, Newsweek featured the iPod and Steve Jobs on the front cover. The article contained a short story on the history of the iPod and Apple's announcement of the fourth generation iPod, which was slightly smaller than the third generation iPod and had the same clickwheel introduced with the iPod mini. The new version also meant a price drop across the board for all iPods (except the mini). The HP+iPod was also released in July 2004.
Rumors immediately flared up about a revitalized Newton or PVR, but no major site predicted that Apple would release an MP3 player.
The iPod was announced to the world from a rented auditorium near Apple's corporate campus in Cupertino. The audience - and the rest of the computer industry - was shocked by the product. No one grasped the importance of the device to Apple and the music industry in general until much later. Many reacted to the product with hostility, with criticisms that ranged from its $400 price to the scroll wheel and its lack of Windows compatibility.
A month later, the iPod was released in Europe to an enthusiastic reception. As more units sold, an entire ecosystem began to form around the device, as new accessories and software products were released.
A 10 GB version of the 1G (1st generation) iPod was introduced later.
Going Windows
The most popular iPod accessory was a utility that allowed users to sync an iPod's playlists with a Windows PC. Apple took note and made the July 2002 version of the iPod - now with as much as 20 GB of storage space - compatible with Windows PC through MusicMatch. Apple also included PIM software on the iPod.
The original spinning scroll wheel was replaced by a solid state scroll wheel similar to a notebook's touchpad. It continued to be surrounded by a ring of buttons just like the 1G iPod.
Madonna iPodTo the surprise of many, Apple started engraving iPods with text and even graphics. Several bands and companies licensed their logos to Apple, which engraved them on the back of the device. These new "special" iPods were available in time for the 2002 Christmas shopping season.
iPod: The 3rd Generation
Another hardware revision came in April 2003, bringing the iPod into its third generation. In a packed hall, Steve Jobs announced the new revision, which had no mechanical buttons. The function buttons were moved to just below the screen and were solid state, like the scroll wheel.
The new version also sported a new dock connector that supported both FireWire and USB 2.0, making it easier for PC users to connect to their iPods, since few Windows PC had FireWire ports. Capacities ranged from 10 GB up to 40 GB.
With the 3G iPod, Apple moved from the lithium polymer batteries found in 1G and 2G iPods to lithium-ion batteries, which would power all future iPods.
The most important update to the iPod was not actually a hardware or software feature. It was the fulfillment of Tony Fadell's goal of creating an entire business around the iPod.
The iTunes Music Store (iTMS) was announced in the summer of 2003 and opened days later. Now, the iPod had a fully legal supply of content, and made it easier for Apple to rationalize cutting the price of the iPod now that it had another revenues source.
This also marked the beginning of the end of Apple's relationship with MusicMatch, which also launched its own music store. Tracks purchased from MusicMatch could not be played on an iPod. To the disappointment of many PC users, iTMS required iTunes, which was only available for Mac OS X until June of 2003. Then Apple released iTunes for the PC, allowing Windows users to access the iTMS. Along with the iTMS, Apple also bumped up the capacity of the iPod, without changing the design.
All was not well for Apple and the iPod, though. Many of the Sony batteries used in the original iPod were beginning to fail by autumn of 2003. A class action suit was brought against the company, and Apple eventually agreed to replace the iPod's battery, even if it was out of warranty (though those customers had to pay a $99 fee).
Smaller: iPod mini
Rumors of a new version of the iPod flew as Toshiba announced that it had created a hard drive about half the size of the one used in the iPod. It was rumored that such an iPod would cost a little over $70 to make, making it possible to compete with high-end flash players that still dominated the market. During the January 2004 Macworld Expo keynote address, Jobs announced several revisions to the iPod line, all of them price breaks. During the last fifteen minutes, he announced that there would be a new member of the iPod family, the iPod mini.
iPod miniThe mini was based on a Hitachi drive the same size of the new Toshiba drive, and it had a capacity of 4 GB. In homage to the iMac, the mini was available in five different colors: blue, green, pink, silver, and gold. Because of its size, the controls of the iPod had to be rearranged to fit on the mini. The function buttons were moved to the scroll wheel. The mini also had a smaller screen. At $249, the mini cost much less than many flash-based players available at the time, and it had a much higher capacity.
Also at the Expo, Apple released a retouched 1984 ad that featured the runner wearing the signature white earbuds of the iPod.
A second generation iPod mini was introduced in February 2005 with a new chipset, much longer battery life (18 hours vs. 8 hours), and a 6 GB version was added. The unpopular gold finish was discontinued.
The 4th Generation iPod
HP, which had sold several flash-based MP3 players under the Compaq brand in the late nineties, wanted in on the iPod game. The behemoth (then the largest PC manufacturer in the world) did not want to invest in creating its own player or adopt Microsoft's struggling format (later named Plays4Sure) and reached an agreement with Apple to remarket the iPod under the HP brand and include iTunes on all consumer computers the company sold.
The agreement came to fruition in 2004 with the HP+iPod line. The HP name got the iPod into many retailers that did not sell Apple products, such as Wal-Mart.
The iPod was a huge hit. Apple had sold millions of devices and was raking in money (although barely making a profit from iTMS). BMW outfitted all of its vehicles with an iPod interface that allows BMW owners to play their music over the BMW's sound system and control their iPod through the steering wheel.
In mid-2004, Newsweek featured the iPod and Steve Jobs on the front cover. The article contained a short story on the history of the iPod and Apple's announcement of the fourth generation iPod, which was slightly smaller than the third generation iPod and had the same clickwheel introduced with the iPod mini. The new version also meant a price drop across the board for all iPods (except the mini). The HP+iPod was also released in July 2004.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
what i have discovered
What i have discovered is that CD_R disk being 700MB will go into a DVD-R disk about
6 times do the math 700MBx6 4,200MB
DVD-R disk = 4.7GB thats 512x8 so that 8 512MB flash drives.
so back to the CD-R disk i saw in Office Depot's sale paper they have a special 12.99 for a hundred pack of CD'R disk ok so 12.99 comes out after tax around 15.00 so you divide 100 cds and that about 15 cents a cd thats not bad at all to me!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Lately more than ever the fight to stop dog fighting this has been on my heart, I think anyone that could do such horrible mean cruel thing to not just dog but any animal is so wrong,its down right sick and evil. I can't tell you how bad i wanna go and beat the devil out of Micheal Vick, i know i am a Christian I should not promote violence ,but those poor dogs and I have heard people say well the kills over seas is more important to stop than dog fighting,because its people dieing but what they fail to realize is that God created animals too,animals are just as important as humans.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Portable applications that run from a USB device
This is something I have been getting into lately, one because on the computer repare sigs @ Cajun clickers I will have my anti virus and spyware tools to scan the computer for those type of issues,and also I have tools on disk so if they have usb 1.0 and not 2.0 I can scan faster and sometimes the apps do not like usb 1.0. The other day I got a call from Papi my Aunts father n law who also in Cajun Clickers who teaches a class on quicken,he has some laptops that he needs to be cleaned up and asked me if I would clean them up for him,I am totally honored to do this means so much to me to be asked to do this for someone ,because this is the kinda stuff I love to do for people.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
update to come soon
ok when I find a good picture of me and now that I don't need glasses I am gonna update my photo,and too i look kinda dorky in that photo :(

I am so thankful for my Dell computer that Gabe Jacobs gave me its a wonderful machine!,but I had to go through Dell's mambo jumbo about getting the transfer of ownership changed so I could get tech support with it because there we just some things I needed, like a reinstall of xp so if something happend to the system I could rrestore the machine os.I figure calling dell and once they btold me to transfer the owner ship get Gabe's info from him that this would be a piece of cake,haha no I get Indians that can't speak English and just put me on hold forever,and I finally get to someone after about the 5th try and ok sir I will mail you the reinstall disk that was 3 months ago :(.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
frustrations in stuff you have no control over
I know that I don't get a lot of traffic on this blog,i don't know why,but hey I am glad in away because I don't often up date and when i do its sometimes on personal frustrations.The title of this post is about frustrations in stuff you have no control over,such schedule conflicts,cars breaking down,etc...,But this is I guess leaning towards some different areas ,and maybe so schedule conflicts.Their is just a lot of stuff I get down right frustrated with and I am to much of a person that doe not like to step on people to much in so cases,and in some cases my mouth works just find.Ok now getting to my point Before community group started back up Josh had a community group kick off thing and all the community groups met together for a meal then split up and we met and discussed stuff about this years group and stuff,but our community group lacks communication to me between leaders and the rest of the body where as they disiding something, emails are not sent out asking is this ok with everyone what works.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
do you really know me
things that annoy me
1.people in walmart that just let their kids scream. alarms and boom speakers
3.young teens that don't wear belts and their pants almost fall off.
my phobias
2.fork lifts
3.UPS,Fed express,and Wells Fargo trucks
4.large open spaces in buildings
5.tall buildings
6.MRI tunnels
1.people in walmart that just let their kids scream. alarms and boom speakers
3.young teens that don't wear belts and their pants almost fall off.
my phobias
2.fork lifts
3.UPS,Fed express,and Wells Fargo trucks
4.large open spaces in buildings
5.tall buildings
6.MRI tunnels
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
things that sadden me
It breaks my heart to see and hear of all the Violence ,hatred in the world today,I the stuff on tv make my heart cry,in Baton Rouge alone it seems that every time you turn on the new there a shooting some where.What, bothers me more is animal be miss treat,and homeless,if i had the room i would take in every animal I see needing a good home,which brings me to the the asshole football player that is on trial for killing dogs,I say no trial send him straight to death role.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Minister of Sanitation
So, my new job with The Ring Community church is to sanitize the the nursery toys so the babies and little tots don't get sick,this is a very important job because little ones immune system is lower they tend to catch colds and stuff easier.I will start my new job on Tuesday,this will be in addition to my regular job being the minister of belonging and Josh,Meg,and Jess's helper in the office.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
thank God i can say bathroom!!!
well,I am currently doing my working on my Spanish ,I am taking Spanish yippie nt at like LSU but better ,I am taking it through The Ring Community Church.Amber Hays is our lovely teacher and she suggest a ,and theres one word I am goodat and its a must el bano
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I just want to make it easy to just go and find ideas for acts of random kindness and not have to go through downloading the pdf files so here are ideas I am collecting
1 Deliver fresh-baked cookies to city workers.
2 Collect goods for a food bank.
3 Bring flowers to work and share them with coworkers.
4 Garden clubs can make floral arrangements for senior centers, nursing homes, hospitals, police stations, or shut-ins.
5 Adopt a student who needs a friend, checking in periodically to see how things are going.
6 Volunteer to be a tutor in a school.
7 Extend a hand to someone in need. Give your full attention and simply listen.
8 Merchants can donate a percentage of receipts for the week to a special cause.
9 Bring coworkers a special treat.
10 Students can clean classrooms for the custodian.
11 Buy a stranger a free pizza.
12 Distribute lollipops to kids.
13 Sing at a nursing home.
14 Offer a couple of hours of baby-sitting to parents.
15 Slip paper hearts that say “It’s Random Acts of Kindness Week! Have a great day!” under the windshield wipers of parked
16 Have a charity day at work, with employees bringing nonperishable food items to donate.
17 Serve refreshments to customers.
18 Draw names at school or work, and have people bring a small gift or food treat for their secret pal.
19 Remember the bereaved with phone calls, cards, plants, and food.
20 Treat someone to fresh fruit.
21 Pay a compliment at least once a day.
22 Call or visit a homebound person.
23 Hand out balloons to passersby.
24 Give free sodas to motorists.
25 Be a good neighbor. Take over a baked treat or stop by to say “Hello.”
26 Transport someone who can’t drive.
27 Mow a neighbor’s grass.
28 Say something nice to everyone you meet today.
29 Send a treat to a school or day-care center.
30 Volunteer at an agency that needs help.
31 Wipe rainwater off shopping carts or hold umbrellas for shoppers on the way to their cars.
32 Give the gift of your smile.
33 Send home a note telling parents something their child did well.
34 Adopt a homeless pet from the humane society.
35 Organize a scout troop or service club to help people with packages at the mall or grocery.
36 Host special programs or speakers at libraries or bookstores.
37 Offer to answer the phone for the school secretary for ten minutes.
38 Volunteer to read to students in the classroom.
39 Write notes of appreciation and bring flowers or goodies to teachers or other important people, such as the principal, nurse,
custodian, and secretary.
to be continued.......
for complete list go to these sites
1 Deliver fresh-baked cookies to city workers.
2 Collect goods for a food bank.
3 Bring flowers to work and share them with coworkers.
4 Garden clubs can make floral arrangements for senior centers, nursing homes, hospitals, police stations, or shut-ins.
5 Adopt a student who needs a friend, checking in periodically to see how things are going.
6 Volunteer to be a tutor in a school.
7 Extend a hand to someone in need. Give your full attention and simply listen.
8 Merchants can donate a percentage of receipts for the week to a special cause.
9 Bring coworkers a special treat.
10 Students can clean classrooms for the custodian.
11 Buy a stranger a free pizza.
12 Distribute lollipops to kids.
13 Sing at a nursing home.
14 Offer a couple of hours of baby-sitting to parents.
15 Slip paper hearts that say “It’s Random Acts of Kindness Week! Have a great day!” under the windshield wipers of parked
16 Have a charity day at work, with employees bringing nonperishable food items to donate.
17 Serve refreshments to customers.
18 Draw names at school or work, and have people bring a small gift or food treat for their secret pal.
19 Remember the bereaved with phone calls, cards, plants, and food.
20 Treat someone to fresh fruit.
21 Pay a compliment at least once a day.
22 Call or visit a homebound person.
23 Hand out balloons to passersby.
24 Give free sodas to motorists.
25 Be a good neighbor. Take over a baked treat or stop by to say “Hello.”
26 Transport someone who can’t drive.
27 Mow a neighbor’s grass.
28 Say something nice to everyone you meet today.
29 Send a treat to a school or day-care center.
30 Volunteer at an agency that needs help.
31 Wipe rainwater off shopping carts or hold umbrellas for shoppers on the way to their cars.
32 Give the gift of your smile.
33 Send home a note telling parents something their child did well.
34 Adopt a homeless pet from the humane society.
35 Organize a scout troop or service club to help people with packages at the mall or grocery.
36 Host special programs or speakers at libraries or bookstores.
37 Offer to answer the phone for the school secretary for ten minutes.
38 Volunteer to read to students in the classroom.
39 Write notes of appreciation and bring flowers or goodies to teachers or other important people, such as the principal, nurse,
custodian, and secretary.
to be continued.......
for complete list go to these sites
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
update to the never read blog
Well this is just an update, and sence no one ever reads I can use this as more of a jurnaul,but i wont to exspress every little thought and frustration on here because their maybe a visitor to my blog oneday and I don't want my thoughts and appinions to affend anyone or at least not totaly affend them.
well,I have had just about as much as I can take in frustrations,I am sick of the way some people treat me and seeing others getting treated like dog crap.I don't know why others want to treat people the way they do,I guess its a power trip I dunno
well,I have had just about as much as I can take in frustrations,I am sick of the way some people treat me and seeing others getting treated like dog crap.I don't know why others want to treat people the way they do,I guess its a power trip I dunno
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
A camera I want to own
Product description The D70s represents a combination of performance and value for photo enthusiasts, and offers superb image quality, advanced speed and simple, intuitive usability.
• Type of Camera: Single-lens reflex digital camera
• Effective Pixels: 6.1 million
• Image Sensor: RGB CCD, 23.7 x 15.6mm; total pixels: 6.24 million
• Image Size: 3,008 x 2,000 [L], 2,256 x 1,496 [M], 1,504 x 1,000 [S]
• Autofocus: TTL phase detection by Nikon Multi-CAM900 autofocus module with AF-assist illuminator (approx. 0.5m to 3.0m) Detection range: EV -1 to +19 (ISO 100 equivalent, at normal temperature: 68 F/20 C)
• Focus Lock: Focus can be locked by pressing shutter-release button halfway (single-servo AF) or by pressing AE-L/AF-L button
• LCD Monitor: 2.0-in., 130,000-dot, low-temperature polysilicon TFT LCD with brightnessadjustment
• Media: CompactFlash(TM) (CF) Card (Type I and II ) and Microdrive (TM)
• File Format: Exif 2.21, Compliant DCF 2.0 and DPOF
• Shooting Modes -- Still: 1) Single frame shooting mode2) Continuous shooting mode: approx. 2.5 frames per second3) Self-timer mode4) Delayed remote mode: 2 sec. delay5) Quick-response remote mode
• Focus Area: Can be selected from 5 focus areas
• Picture Angle: Equivalent in 35mm [135] format is approx. 1.5 times lens focal length
• Viewfinder: Fixed eye-level penta-Dach-mirror type; built-in diopter adjustment (-1.6 to +0.5m-1)
• Lens Servo: 1) Autofocus (AF-A): Auto-Servo AF; camera automatically chooses singleservoAF (AF-S) or continuous-servo AF (AF-C); predictive focus trackingautomatically activated according to subject status2) AF-S3) AF-C4) Manual focus (M)
• Remote Control: Wireless Remote Control ML-L3 (optional)
• Storage: Compressed NEF (RAW): 12-bit compression,JPEG: JPEG baseline-compliant
• Viewfinder: Focus indications, AE/FV lock indicator, Shutter speed, Aperture value, Exposure/Exposure compensation indicator, Flash output level compensation, Exposure compensation, Number of remaining exposures, Flash-ready indicator
• Exposure Mode: Digital Vari-Program ( Auto, Portrait, Landscape, Child, Sports, Close up, Night portrait),Programmed Auto [P] with flexible program; Shutter-Priority Auto [S]; AperturePriority Auto [A]; Manual [M]
• Exposure Metering: TTL full-aperture exposure metering system(1) 3D Color Matrix Metering II with 420-pixel RGB sensor (2) Center-weighted: Weight of 75% (8mm dia. circle) (3) Spot: Meters 3.5mm dia. circle (about 2.5% of frame) centered on active focus area
• Exposure Range: 1) EV 0 to 20 (3D Color Matrix or center-weighted metering) 2) EV 2 to 20 (spot metering) (ISO 100 equivalent, f/1.4 lens, 68 F/20 C)
• Sensitivity: 200 to 1600 (ISO equivalent) in steps of 1 EV
• White Balance: Auto (TTL white balance with 420-pixel RGB sensor), six manual modes, preset white balance,white balance bracketing possible
• Built-in Speedlight: Auto flash with auto pop-up [P], [S], [A], [M]: manual pop-up with button release Guide number (ISO 200/ISO 100, m): approx. 15/11 (manual full 17/12)
• Accessory Shoe: Standard ISO hot-shoe contact with safety lock provided
• Auto Exposure Bracketing: Three frames (+/-)2 EV in 1/3 or 1/2 steps
• AF Area Mode: 1) Single Area AF, 2) Dynamic Area AF,3) Closest Subject Priority Dynamic Area AF
• Auto Exposure Lock: Luminosity locked at detected value with AE-L/AF-L button
• Exposure Compensation: (+/-)5 EV in increments of 1/3 or 1/2 EV
• Eyepoint: 18mm (-1.0m-1)
• Flash Sync Modes: 1) Front-curtain Sync (normal sync), 2) Red-eye Reduction, 3) Red-eye Reduction with Slow Sync, 4) Slow Sync, 5) Rear-curtain Sync
• Self-Timer: Electronically controlled timer with 2 to 20 seconds duration
• Playback Menu: 1 frame: Thumbnail (4 or 9 segments); Magnifying playback; Slide show;Histogram indication; Highlight point display; Auto image rotation
• Delete Function: Card format, All frames delete, Selected frames delete
• Power Requirements: One Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL3, AC Adapter EH-5 (optional)
• Optional Accessories: Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL3, Multi Charger MH-19, Quick Charger MH-18a, AC Adapter EH-5, Speedlight SB-800/600, Eyepiece Magnifier DG-2, Angle Finder DR-6, Nikon Capture 4 (Ver. 4.3) Software, Wireless Remote Control ML-L3,Semi-Soft Case CF-D50
• Storage (Number of frames per 256MB SD Memory Card, image size L): RAW approx. 33, FINE approx. 70NORMAL approx. 137BASIC approx. 258, RAW & BASIC approx. 29
• Video Output: Can be selected from NTSC and PAL
• Video Output: Can be selected from NTSC and PAL
• Interface: USB 2.0 (Hi-Speed)
• Text Input: Up to 36 characters of alphanumeric text input available with LCD monitor and multi-selector; stored in Exif header
• Focusing Screen: Type-B BriteView Clear Matte screen Mark V with superimposed focus brackets
• Viewfinder Frame Coverage: Approx. 95%
• Viewfinder Magnification: Approx. 0.75x with 50mm lens at infinity; -1.0m-1
• Shutter: Combined mechanical and CCD electronic shutter,30 to 1/4000 sec. in steps of 1/3 or 1/2 EV, bulb
• Sync Contact: X-contact only; flash synchronization at up to 1/500 sec.
• Flash Control: 1) TTL: TTL flash control by 420-pixel RGB sensorBuilt-in Speedlight: i-TTL Balanced Fill-Flash or standard i-TTL flash (spot metering) SB-800 or 600: i-TTL Balanced Fill-Flash or standard i-TTL flash (spot metering)2) Auto aperture: Available with SB-800 with CPU lens3) Non-TTL Auto: Available with Speedlights such as SB-800, 80DX, 28DX, 28, 27, and 22s4) Distance-priority manual available with SB-800
• Flash Compensation: -3 to +1 EV in increments of 1/3 or 1/2 EV
• Tripod Socket: 1/4 in. (ISO1222)
• Dimension (WxHxD): Approx. 5.2 x 4.0 x 3.0in. (133 x 102 x 76mm)
• Weight (without batteries): Approx. 1lbs 302 (540g)
Package Contents
• D70s Camera Body
• AF-S DX Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED lens
• Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL3
• Quick Charger MH-18a
• Video Cable
• USB Cable UC-E4
• Strap
• Body cap
• Eyepiece Cap DK-5
• Rubber Eyecup DK-20
• Accessory shoe cover
• PictureProject CD-ROM
• Type of Camera: Single-lens reflex digital camera
• Effective Pixels: 6.1 million
• Image Sensor: RGB CCD, 23.7 x 15.6mm; total pixels: 6.24 million
• Image Size: 3,008 x 2,000 [L], 2,256 x 1,496 [M], 1,504 x 1,000 [S]
• Autofocus: TTL phase detection by Nikon Multi-CAM900 autofocus module with AF-assist illuminator (approx. 0.5m to 3.0m) Detection range: EV -1 to +19 (ISO 100 equivalent, at normal temperature: 68 F/20 C)
• Focus Lock: Focus can be locked by pressing shutter-release button halfway (single-servo AF) or by pressing AE-L/AF-L button
• LCD Monitor: 2.0-in., 130,000-dot, low-temperature polysilicon TFT LCD with brightnessadjustment
• Media: CompactFlash(TM) (CF) Card (Type I and II ) and Microdrive (TM)
• File Format: Exif 2.21, Compliant DCF 2.0 and DPOF
• Shooting Modes -- Still: 1) Single frame shooting mode2) Continuous shooting mode: approx. 2.5 frames per second3) Self-timer mode4) Delayed remote mode: 2 sec. delay5) Quick-response remote mode
• Focus Area: Can be selected from 5 focus areas
• Picture Angle: Equivalent in 35mm [135] format is approx. 1.5 times lens focal length
• Viewfinder: Fixed eye-level penta-Dach-mirror type; built-in diopter adjustment (-1.6 to +0.5m-1)
• Lens Servo: 1) Autofocus (AF-A): Auto-Servo AF; camera automatically chooses singleservoAF (AF-S) or continuous-servo AF (AF-C); predictive focus trackingautomatically activated according to subject status2) AF-S3) AF-C4) Manual focus (M)
• Remote Control: Wireless Remote Control ML-L3 (optional)
• Storage: Compressed NEF (RAW): 12-bit compression,JPEG: JPEG baseline-compliant
• Viewfinder: Focus indications, AE/FV lock indicator, Shutter speed, Aperture value, Exposure/Exposure compensation indicator, Flash output level compensation, Exposure compensation, Number of remaining exposures, Flash-ready indicator
• Exposure Mode: Digital Vari-Program ( Auto, Portrait, Landscape, Child, Sports, Close up, Night portrait),Programmed Auto [P] with flexible program; Shutter-Priority Auto [S]; AperturePriority Auto [A]; Manual [M]
• Exposure Metering: TTL full-aperture exposure metering system(1) 3D Color Matrix Metering II with 420-pixel RGB sensor (2) Center-weighted: Weight of 75% (8mm dia. circle) (3) Spot: Meters 3.5mm dia. circle (about 2.5% of frame) centered on active focus area
• Exposure Range: 1) EV 0 to 20 (3D Color Matrix or center-weighted metering) 2) EV 2 to 20 (spot metering) (ISO 100 equivalent, f/1.4 lens, 68 F/20 C)
• Sensitivity: 200 to 1600 (ISO equivalent) in steps of 1 EV
• White Balance: Auto (TTL white balance with 420-pixel RGB sensor), six manual modes, preset white balance,white balance bracketing possible
• Built-in Speedlight: Auto flash with auto pop-up [P], [S], [A], [M]: manual pop-up with button release Guide number (ISO 200/ISO 100, m): approx. 15/11 (manual full 17/12)
• Accessory Shoe: Standard ISO hot-shoe contact with safety lock provided
• Auto Exposure Bracketing: Three frames (+/-)2 EV in 1/3 or 1/2 steps
• AF Area Mode: 1) Single Area AF, 2) Dynamic Area AF,3) Closest Subject Priority Dynamic Area AF
• Auto Exposure Lock: Luminosity locked at detected value with AE-L/AF-L button
• Exposure Compensation: (+/-)5 EV in increments of 1/3 or 1/2 EV
• Eyepoint: 18mm (-1.0m-1)
• Flash Sync Modes: 1) Front-curtain Sync (normal sync), 2) Red-eye Reduction, 3) Red-eye Reduction with Slow Sync, 4) Slow Sync, 5) Rear-curtain Sync
• Self-Timer: Electronically controlled timer with 2 to 20 seconds duration
• Playback Menu: 1 frame: Thumbnail (4 or 9 segments); Magnifying playback; Slide show;Histogram indication; Highlight point display; Auto image rotation
• Delete Function: Card format, All frames delete, Selected frames delete
• Power Requirements: One Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL3, AC Adapter EH-5 (optional)
• Optional Accessories: Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL3, Multi Charger MH-19, Quick Charger MH-18a, AC Adapter EH-5, Speedlight SB-800/600, Eyepiece Magnifier DG-2, Angle Finder DR-6, Nikon Capture 4 (Ver. 4.3) Software, Wireless Remote Control ML-L3,Semi-Soft Case CF-D50
• Storage (Number of frames per 256MB SD Memory Card, image size L): RAW approx. 33, FINE approx. 70NORMAL approx. 137BASIC approx. 258, RAW & BASIC approx. 29
• Video Output: Can be selected from NTSC and PAL
• Video Output: Can be selected from NTSC and PAL
• Interface: USB 2.0 (Hi-Speed)
• Text Input: Up to 36 characters of alphanumeric text input available with LCD monitor and multi-selector; stored in Exif header
• Focusing Screen: Type-B BriteView Clear Matte screen Mark V with superimposed focus brackets
• Viewfinder Frame Coverage: Approx. 95%
• Viewfinder Magnification: Approx. 0.75x with 50mm lens at infinity; -1.0m-1
• Shutter: Combined mechanical and CCD electronic shutter,30 to 1/4000 sec. in steps of 1/3 or 1/2 EV, bulb
• Sync Contact: X-contact only; flash synchronization at up to 1/500 sec.
• Flash Control: 1) TTL: TTL flash control by 420-pixel RGB sensorBuilt-in Speedlight: i-TTL Balanced Fill-Flash or standard i-TTL flash (spot metering) SB-800 or 600: i-TTL Balanced Fill-Flash or standard i-TTL flash (spot metering)2) Auto aperture: Available with SB-800 with CPU lens3) Non-TTL Auto: Available with Speedlights such as SB-800, 80DX, 28DX, 28, 27, and 22s4) Distance-priority manual available with SB-800
• Flash Compensation: -3 to +1 EV in increments of 1/3 or 1/2 EV
• Tripod Socket: 1/4 in. (ISO1222)
• Dimension (WxHxD): Approx. 5.2 x 4.0 x 3.0in. (133 x 102 x 76mm)
• Weight (without batteries): Approx. 1lbs 302 (540g)
Package Contents
• D70s Camera Body
• AF-S DX Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED lens
• Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL3
• Quick Charger MH-18a
• Video Cable
• USB Cable UC-E4
• Strap
• Body cap
• Eyepiece Cap DK-5
• Rubber Eyecup DK-20
• Accessory shoe cover
• PictureProject CD-ROM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
To me this is freedom,my definition of freedom is to not be conformed or controlled by lines or rules.The view of Christianity is often though of as a religion with a set of rules to control you ,we are often told christians do this and they don't do this, and that we need to watch what we do and how we act.Christianity is not about a set of rules, God will put us in dangerous situation, we serve a very dangerous God he calls us to thing and to serve people that the rest of humanity would just put down and not want to have anything to do with,God calls us to minister to people such as prostitutes,prisoners,and the homeless .
no flushing
I made these signs for our anaul Mission trip to Mexico,because where we go they do not have the water pressure like we do here in the US.Every trip we take someone one forgets and flushes the toilet paper so I though these signs would serve as a reminder to people to not flush.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
this is just something from the heart
Her I am sitting in CC's coffee shop enjoying free enternet and enjoying my mocha, while listening to the sound track to dead man walking and millions of kids are starving :(.I know the 3o hour famine was nt a guilt trip ,but I feel guilt and yet I don't feel guilty about the words that exit my mouth or what my eyes see . My heart still feels grungy , I still have sin in my life, so here I am the words that spew out are over flow of the heart, I feel like that guy that commetted those horrible murders .the words that come out can either destroy or bring a person up, I say what would Jesus do and yet I am the worst example ,its not just sin of words but its sins of lust the bible says if you look at a woman in a sexaul way you have committed adultry in ur heart ,I need to think would I want someone looking at me in that manner or Anna in tat manner,no I wouldn't .
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Homeless - Church Steps
this is sad,shouldn't the doors of the church be open not closed.WWJD open the doors
Saturday, January 20, 2007
woman in despair
woman in despair
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
I am getting picture for a prodject Robert asked me to get,for the 30 hour famine coming up in FEB.
The kinda picture I have to get are people in a grat famine ,poor and homeless from around the world.
woman in despair
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
I am getting picture for a prodject Robert asked me to get,for the 30 hour famine coming up in FEB.
The kinda picture I have to get are people in a grat famine ,poor and homeless from around the world.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Well,Shuga is sweet,and home sweet is it that we will get to kick Nick saban's booty next year in football!!!!!I hope he realizes how bad he messed up by saying he wasn't gonna leave for the offer to go coach the Miami Dolphin's ,and then turnd around took the offer,then he didn't do so well so he went to take the job back in College football to be a coach Alabama eww.
We LSU Tiger fans ,are gonna get a good laugh when we beat Alabamas behind!!!
We LSU Tiger fans ,are gonna get a good laugh when we beat Alabamas behind!!!
Monday, January 01, 2007
long time no update
Well, its been a long time no update ,I recently got a laptop for Christmas I really enjoy the laptop alot I not have mobility with the enternet cecking emails ,meetings,social events,and more!!Now people that no me be like what meeting are you talking about ,the meetings would be for the 30 hour Famine coming up with the youth,this will evolve several local churchesyouth groups!! the 30 Hour Famine is to not only raise awareness to the public about the seriousness of the poverity in the world ,but to raise money ,and also give the partisipants a brief feel of sort of how it is to be in that kinda situation.
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