This week I was asked the question by mom and Ms Linda why do people do things to hurt one another,and why do people do evil,there is a short answer t answer is because of the fall,because ever since the fall of Adam and Eve there has been sin that is the reason.Now that we are born again in Christ, we have been washed clean.The Answer is Because of the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden,and since we are born again we shouldn't try to understand evil,because if you try to understand evil,you have the capability to still do evil,try to understand evil only brings sin back in the picture,and since we have been washed clean by the blood of Christ we should not want sin to back in the picture. This post is not saying that oh your gonna be perfect after you except Christ ,we are all gonna mess up, but trying to understand why other do the evil in the world is npt for us to understand ,we should be the light of Chris to them and show Christ,and let God be God and let him deal with there hearts.We think if I could understand others, we can fix the situation,and fix the person,we can be the Prozac and be the fixer,when we need to be concerned with our selves and out relationship with Christ ,and showing Christ to the world,and doing as Christ Commanded,to feed the hungry,visit the sick and the prisoner,and give shelter to the poor,and that my friend will heal the world when we reflect Christ to the world to see.