Thursday, October 26, 2006


I know I only blog every so often , but sometimes I just realy don't have anything to blog about.

Lately I have not been feeling emotionaly well, it could be the weather who knows but, other than that i am doing pretty good health wise.


books I wanna finish reading:

Velvet Elvis, by Rob Bell

Mere Christainity, by CS Lewis

Things i wanna learn:

to play the guitar


Friday, October 13, 2006

I know i have been a slacker

well my blogging goes in spells ,it depend on what is grabing my attention at the time, and it not like I don't have the time to update I do.Heres whats been going on that I am excited about the week of Nov 6th I go for my Check up in Washington ,Dc a the National Instatutes of Health (NIH)I enjoy going to get my check ups , I am on a prodical that helping other Gauchers patient I am the pioneer of the study and so I am and so I am a big desiding factor with the test that run and the test that will run in order to get a new drug on the market :). then a week after I get back we have Jesus prodject 06 With the View Youth Ministry

Friday, October 06, 2006

we are one

I am so happy that, Feb 23-24 we @ the View Ministry are gonna be joined with several other youth ministries to partisipate in the 30 hour famine!!!! World vision run the 30 hour famine, which is in partnership with the onje campain I just can't wait and hopefuly one day I will get to meet one of the biggest sponcers and got this whole campain to stop paverty Bono himself!!!!