Friday, December 24, 2010

picture that go with the last post


Imagine not having clean water to drink, now imagine that is all you have to keep you hydrated and but its making you sick.
Water and Health
At any given time, half of the world’s hospital beds are occupied by patients suffering from a water-related disease.

Nearly 90 percent of all diseases in the world are caused by unsafe drinking water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene. Every year, there are 4 billion cases of diarrhea as a direct result of drinking contaminated water; this results in more than 2.2
million deaths each year—the equivalent of 20 jumbo jets crashing every day.

The weakest members of communities are the most vulnerable; every day water-related diseases claim the lives of 5000 children under the age of five. That’s roughly one every 15 seconds.

“Clean water and sanitation are among the most powerful preventative medicines for reducing child mortality. They are to diarrhea what immunization is to killer diseases such as measles or polio: a mechanism for reducing risk and averting death.”
- United Nations Development Program, 2006

(Water. It is at the heart of a daily crisis faced by a billion of the world’s most vulnerable people—a crisis that threatens life and destroys livelihoods on a devastating scale.

Unlike war and terrorism, the global water crisis does not make media headlines, despite the fact that it claims more lives through disease than any war claims through guns. Unlike natural disasters, it does not rally concerted international action, despite the fact that more people die each year from drinking dirty water than from the world’s hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes combined.

This is a silent crisis experienced by the poor, and tolerated by those with the resources, technology, and the political power to end it. Yet this is a crisis that is holding back human progress, consigning large segments of humanity to lives of poverty, vulnerability, and insecurity.)

At Living Water International, we are addressing this most basic of needs by helping deprived communities acquire safe, clean water. Our goal is to substantially ease the global water crisis while addressing root causes such as injustice, oppression, and abject poverty. As this happens, communities and worldviews are transformed—both among those in desperate physical need, and among those who have been blessed with much.

What Would It Take
How much money would solve the world water crisis?

Most people are taking a serious look at the numbers within the context of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) to “reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation by 2015.” So most of the best numbers only address half the need, but include providing adequate sanitation for the world’s 2.5 billion who are lacking it, and we are left to wonder what the cost would be for providing only water to those 884 million lacking The question itself is not entirely clear either. When is the “world water crisis” no longer a crisis? When we’ve met the UN’s MDG? When everybody has access to clean water? When people have clean water? Or “improved” water, which may only be a covered shallow hand-dug well? Could some non-profit sectors provide sustainable water more efficiently than the mostly governmental agencies whose data is being extrapolated to arrive at our figures? Is the number even relevant if sufficient reliable implementing agencies do not currently exist?

The World Bank offers a range of cost estimates to reach MDG goals. They estimate the cost of reaching “basic levels of coverage…in water and sanitation” to be $9 billion at the low end, and $30 billion a year for “achieving universal coverage” for water and sanitation. The same report acknowledges that the “institutional arrangements” do not exist to reach the goal in any case, and concludes that, “taking these estimates and their caveats together, we estimate that the cost… is between $5 and $21 billion.”

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Post number two

This is kind of a continue of the story at the end of the last post.

I just ask everyone that views this blog to constantly be in prayer for me and here is how you can be in prayer for me....

1. pray that when there is discontentment that I would seek the lord and find contentment in where he has me.

2. pray for me that my focus would be on the lord and the enemy would not distract me , and that the stuff in this world and on tv would not distract me that the weapons on the enemy would not harm me and cause me to loose focus.

3. and as person of their late 20s that still deals with the dating would that that also would not cause me to loose focus.

4. pray for me in the area of holding my tongue, and pray that the words spoken out of my mouth would not be words that would destroy but that my words would be words that would help build up .

His Voice

God has continued to introduce me to some very cool people over the summer I got to
meet a really cool family the Amber, Vernon,Justice, and Titus Burger!!! This Family has such a heart missions and social justice its truly incredible ,the work that is happen in Sudan that Vernon and the organization he started his Voice for Sudan, and now we @ the Ring Community church get to be a part of what Vernon and his family and gonna be doing in India help with this Pastor and his wife that are helping rescue young boys are being sold for money and sex trafficking , I know one role as a member of the Ring community church that i am called to is to be in prayer for ,one for safety of who god sends to India to help with this boys home and helping them rescue these young boys from these gangs that are selling them ,my role is prayer I know that this one of the few places i cannot go one because of the disease and and the shot that you have to get to go over there ,God has reminded me before when my friend Amy Imel went to Africa to help with Village schools international, i wanted so bad to be able to go and help god spoke to me and said would you wanna go and do this one mission trip and be sick for the rest of your life, or would you rather go reach multitude of people , God was trying to remind me about when the ring goes to Mexico . Mexico and the people there i have such a passion for , I love going down there and I just love working along side the people at the church in Monclova Mexico , I love the kids in Mexico!!!

Tail gating with the Ring

Chrystal is one help Josh with the chilly and I have e to say that was some pretty darn good chilly

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Breaking the habit

I know this title of this blog post is also a title to a song but, this has nothing to do with that song, even thought i am a fan of Linkin park.I am working very hard to break old habits though it is not easy and ,I can not do them on my own ,I have to remember to rely on the Lord , and i will add one one habit just from this blog post is relying on spell check rather than correcting my spelling and other stuff within my sentences , but hear is a few habits that slowly are being broken...

1. letting what other say dictate how I think about my self

2. over communicating, but i have to learn to balance how much something gets communicated because if it is something that a big need or something , i have to learn how much communication to put out ( know is half the battle)

3. being a people pleaser

Monday, November 15, 2010

Advent conspiracy

That time of year is around the corner , when malls start getting jam packed and Uncle Sam is never on the nice list, but he always get a gift it just comes a little late!!!


I love that the Ring Community Church is involved with Advent conspiracy, I love what Advent conspiracy is about...

1. spend less

2. give more

3. worship fully

4. love all

I just get super pumped , and i love going to hang out with the kids at the shelter and helping them make crafts to give to their mom's for Christmas , and I love spending this time with friends and just hanging out !!!

another thing cool that about this time of year is the endless Christmas animated movies, who doesn't like, ( The Grinch that stole Christmas),and there other cool movies out there but the Grinch is my favorite!!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

buy one give one

If ya do not have shoes you can not go to school weither a kid lives in a third world country or right here in in America, so November 5 2010 which is a Friday , shoe up to work or school you local libray, coffee shop and go barefoot and if someone ask you weres your shoes tell them the reason behind why your going barefoot.Local stores Seven Elevan and Cheveron have signs no shoes no service what if you where a child going to get a loaf of bread and , your family can not afford shoes but your family is hungery and yall have saved all week to have sandwhiches , so tell the Clerck at the gas station or where ever ya go the reason behind why your going barefoot

Monday, September 27, 2010

wishes and wants and more....

( this is gonna be a big post)

I went to a screen showing for an organization my dear sweet friend Angel Cutno is a part of LiNK ,( liberty in North Korea ) , I love my sweet friend Angel and and a large group of us @ the Ring have such a huge heart for missions!!!!

here is one of my wishes

1. to go back to computer school, not to get some big corporate job, but one of my passions is to just help people with their computer problems, either if its when I am in the coffee shop volunteering at a computer club , or where ever I am, yes I have a desire to teach but not to be one that grades but to educate people on safe computing and help them to learn to be able to fix virus problems.

one of my wants

I want people to know that they are loved and how much Christ loves them, this can all go as a wish ,because I wish that everyone felt loved and excepted.

I wish one that i had a free hugs shirt because I would wear it often and I love to give hugs , and again I want people to feel loved .

I wish that I could go and help get freedom for the North Korans ,but I will do whatever I can do here at home to help recruit nomads and other chapters,because I know my limits medically.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

my wishes and wants

I am gonna start with the wants.


1.I want to know how to play the guitar.

2. I want to be do more about poverty in the world

3. I want to snow board again one day.

4. I want to drive again one day.

((( Wishes ))))

1. I wish I had the a healthy enough immune system to go down and learn to dig water wells for people that do not have clean water for drinking

2. I wish that go and live and work in an orphanage with kids in mexico

3. I wish i could go see the kids at the Children's inn @ NIH ,i miss them

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

things i am so thankful for

I am so thankful that the Lord has adopted as his child, I am so honored to be a child of God.

Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.John 1:12 (NIV)

I am so thankful for the heart the Lord has given me ,He has given me a heart for the Homeless,the broken ,and for his people in Mexico.but my mission field goes way beyond that it goes to helping people in my community any way I can!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


I am normally some what of a organized person if if come to my electronics and how I pack them in my back pack , and i used to pretty good at keeping organized when it comes to a journal , or I used to .I am a fan of keeping a journal but , lately i have not felt like keeping a journal because I keep one book that is a journal for notes from sermons and I have one for journaling my thoughts and i try to have a little note pad for writing down numbers or writing something quick that I have to remember, but everything has been sort of stressful these last few months that everything in my brain has been jumbled around,so I am if anyone who follows my blog or gets the emails when I update has any suggestion or wants to help me get organized I welcome the help.

Saturday, August 14, 2010



1. I wish I walking on the beach and picking up sea shells with out the interference of a TV , or anything else, all would have with me is my back pack with my bible and a water bottle

2. that I my heart would stop breaking

3.that there was peace on earth

4.I wish that I was in Monclova Mexico working at Casa Hogar ,I love working with kids

5. I wish that I did not get anxiety

6. I wish that the recorder in my head that get started up that i have to drown constantly would stay drowned

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

joys in times of hardship and suffering

Two character in the bible I love are Job and Paul ,Job never cursed God not one time, Job had everything taken away from him , and what did he do he fell down and worshiped the Lord,Paul was put in prison for preaching the gospel and he found joy in his suffer for the cause of Christ. I wish that every time i went through something that I found joy in it, but sometime i don't because sometimes my heart just breaks. Now god has given me some amazing gifts gauchers disease, glacoma, and I had back surgery when i was 11 because one i do not have a spleen the gauchers diease enlarged my spleen and I had to have it removed and the gauchers went to my bones. Now i have been on enzime replacement since 1992 and i am healthy my bones are healthy. another part of the gift is when i go to get my infusions seeing other grab on to hope and faith of Jesus Christ, i have seen young children go through far more than i do and have such joy on there faces, and I see adults go through stuff far more than i can amagine and still have a joy , a joy to be alive. I love it that I wake up every day and through the power of Christ i kick gaucher, and glaucoma's rear end, but but what breaks my heart is the emotional scars in my life for me that is a million time harder to fight that anything fisical, and it starts to hurt my heart fisicaly as well.But i know Christ is there every step of the way , he says in psalms 23 that enven though we go through the valley of shadow and death fear no evil for he is with us his rod and his staff comfort us.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

tip of the day

How to clean a laptop

Power down the laptop computer. Close the LCD display lid and turn the computer over. Hold down the battery release button and pull the battery out of the laptop.

Flip the laptop computer back to its original position and open the LCD display lid. Pour a small amount of LCD cleaning solution onto the soft cloth. Wring the cloth out so that its damp but there is no excess liquid dripping off.

Start at the top of the LCD screen and gently wipe in a downward motion. Repeat as many times as necessary to clean off fingerprints or other smudges from the LCD screen.

Locate the strip of plastic in between the LCD screen and the keyboard that usually contains the power button and caps lock light indicator. Slide a thin object such as the edge of a flat head screwdriver underneath the seam of the plastic strip. Pop the plastic piece upward and remove it from the laptop.

Remove the two screws at the top of the keyboard that hold it in place. Lift the keyboard up slightly until the motherboard comes into view. Unplug the cable running from the keyboard to the motherboard port.

Lift the keyboard off of the laptop. Spray out the underside of the keyboard and the inside of the laptop with a bottle of canned air to remove any debris such as hair or dust particles.

Use a cotton swab to wipe off any excess dirt that has built up in the processor fan or on any of the other hardware components inside the laptop. Connect the keyboard's cable back into the motherboard port and then reattach the keyboard.

Pop the bezel back onto the laptop and then place the battery back into the port on the bottom of the computer.

Laptop Cleaning Tips and Warnings:


If there is spilled liquid or other debris inside the keyboard keys you can also use cotton swabs to clean them out.

Create your own LCD screen cleaning solution if you don't want to buy a pre-made solution. Combine one part isopropyl alcohol and one part distilled water to make the solution. Do not use regular tap water.

If you don't have a soft cotton cloth, consider using an old t-shirt instead.

Some laptop models have screws on the bottom of the laptop that need to be removed before you can pull off the keyboard. Check the manual that came with your laptop if you are having trouble removing the keyboard.

Monday, August 02, 2010

today good and kinda an eye opener

Today started off to be my usual Monday which i love so much I get to spend some good time with Josh and Meg, but God added some more alone time with him and his word, and some more time with my favorite aunt in the world Megan Kelly . but, God really started setting this up last night from Jakes sermon to just about 3 and half hour ago , and i am in Taylor Vernon's class and the topic is on fear and Anxiety and I am in the right class at the right time!!!The sermon last night came from Matthew 18:1-4 when the disciples asking Jesus who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven , and the disciples I guess worry basically trying to get Jesus to say who his favorite was and so on, but Jesus to me kinda throws them a curve ball when used this child as an example not just telling them a story but try to get them to open their eyes to you must have child like faith, children look to their parents for their needs such as clothing and food and it much more than that but their emotional support. But in this class tonight on fear an Anxiety I listed my fears.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I can not hide my love

Holy spirit, I need your touch,
more than ever before.
Ho Jesus, I need your love
and I'm deperite for more.

When I feel your presence
all around me
when I feel you arms
as they surround me

I cannot hide my love
I cannot hide my love
My feet will have to dance

I cannot hide my love
I cannot hide my love

My heart will have to sing

I am so in love with
I am so in love with
I am so in love with
You my Lord, my God

Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 17th

Next summer if the Ring has another softball sign up I am gonna sign up, yeah the start of this summer was crazy , yeah the start of the summer was crazy , But every thing is getting back to normal because my life belongs ton the LORD and he is in control. Not everything is totally back to normal and yeah I still get sad my heart still hurts, yes I get mad because stuff that is going on, listen to my Audio clip in my profile the song, ( I'm still standing- by Elton John), and I am!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

my passions

1. to serve , to love to be Christ ambassador

2. to show people and to let people know they are loved

3. to every day show off and I hope people can see through the way I live my life that
I love Jesus Christ!!!!!!


I am not perfect ,I try my best to love the unlovable and be there to help people when
ever i can.I am alive today because of Jesus Christ, through his strength I beat Gauchers disease,glaucoma,and almost being paralyzed, i had back surgery when I was 11,there was a good chance I would not walk.I started walking two days after surgery ,I am 27 now gonna be 28 in December!!! I've had a lot of stuff thrown at me in life ,but I can say I have had a good life ,we all have life issues we live in a broken world , but I am gonna say this I am still standing and when life gives ya lemons make lemonade ,and give thanks to the Lord for he is good and his love endures forever!!

I turnd this first part of my post in to a praise

Thursday, July 01, 2010

thank you Jesus

Everyday I wake up is like Christmas and I will give you a list of reasons why, but I just want everyone who reads this to know that Jesus has the power to ...,and this how he has proven it to me in my life:

1. everyday I wake up and I ,I have gone through Cateract and Glaucoma surgeries and my vision in the left eye is 20/25 the right is 20/40,and even though i have some optic nerve damage my field of vision is normal and before the surgeries I had very little field of vision.

2.I have beaten gaucher disease , everyday I wake up my energy level is good and i can run,jump,work out,I have two rods in my back and that doesn't slow me one bit !!!

3. everyone of my doctors chins hit the floor when they see me because all test and exams show them I am as healthy and a normal person bones have mended together the enzyme replacement i have been on since 1992 has allow my body to heal!!!!

All i can God is awesome and thank you Jesus for healing me!!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

clean water

How clean is the water you drink,do you know?,its clean than the water in other parts of the world if you were to take a microscope to the water imight make your stomach flip. Imagine people having to drink out of mudd holes and ponds filled with parasites and other things , I know Christmas is months away ,but please if you can start putting away a few extra dollar and get ready to give gift of clean water to those in need the link is

I feel blessed that the water I dink is clean, but it make me sad that people are drinking out of germ filled ponds and mud holes.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010


I am continuing to improve every day , my seizures are gone Jesus has healed me ,I am back to the old me once again through the power of Christ kicking Gauchers diseases butt!!! Ty Jesus for healing me!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesda'ys update

I am up and around I will be on the beach tomorrow through Saturday in Gulf shores just resting and resting ,but I will keep my blog

Monday, May 24, 2010

Whale watching canceled

well today I am supposed to be in Boston, but late Friday night early saturday morning my body had different plans ,I went into a seizure.The seizure wasn't bad,but it did land me in the ER for 8 hours . But in all of this I have learned that even I need to try just a little harder to take care of my health and,just when I eat sweets or starches just watch how much I eat and to also make sure I drink plenty of water to help keep my body flushed. I should go see my Neurologist soon I will update you all more, but he doesn't think I will have another seizure ,but I will keep my blog updted.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I get scared

We were talking about contentment in Community group last night, and this one question was on do we fear man or the unknown, and mine is really the fear of man, and yes there is sometimes the fear of the unknown .I get scared one when there is a change up it can be medical or anything,and I don't mean to start doubting ,I get scared and I hope God understands because I don't mean to make it seem like I am not trusting ,because I look back on my life there are so examples of Gods mercy,faithfulness,and grace in my life.Here are a few things I am gonna list of reasons I have to trust.....

1.I can walk and talk
2.Gaucher Disease has not destroyed me
3.I can see,I was once almost blind
4.I have my mom back in my life

all of this is be cause of Christ,my list could have gone on and on !!

Jesus Christ has the power to.....,and last night, after community group the doubt slipped it, the fear of the unknown and man slipped in, so here is the way I am gonna end this post I am gonna put this verse up

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jesus Christ has the power to ...

Here are some more examples of what jesus has the power to...

1. there has been a shortage of the enzyme i take for the Gauchers Disease , my ifusions are supposed to be every two weeks, well hey have been once a month so times even longer than that.but ,I have not gotten sick once with bone pain or anything!!

2. my eye aight continues to improve every day ,my eye sight is 20/25 in the left and 20/50 in the right and the right eye is every day getting stronger!!

3. my mom and I's relationship is continuing to improve!!

Psalm 121 (New International Version)

Psalm 121

A song of ascents.
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?

2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;

4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;

6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.

7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;

8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

Monday, April 19, 2010

head above the water

I had been praying for months for God to restore my mom an I's relationship, and for the past week it seems to be on the up hill climb back in into a healthy relationship ,it feels so wonderful !! I need to not get off guard ,but continue to stay in prayer and in the Word .

Monday, March 15, 2010

Turn a Hoodie into an Improvised Laptop Bag

If you like getting the most use out of your possessions as possible, this guide will help you turn a hooded sweatshirt into a laptop bag, baby carrier, and more.

Over at the design site Conceptual Devices, they have a project called Just Undo It that emphasizes the use of common objects in new and versatile ways. Check out the video below to see how they turn a hooded sweatshirt into a laptop bag:

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

old school

When Tears Fall

Tim Hughes - When Tears Fall lyrics

I've had questions, without answers
I've known sorrow, i have known pain
but theres one thing, that i'll cling to
you are faithful, Jesus your true

when hope is lost, i'll call you saviour
when pain surrounds, i'll call you healer
when silence falls, you'll be the song within my heart

in the lone hour, of my sorrow
through the darkest night of my soul
you surround me, and sustain me
my defender, forever more

when hope is lost, i'll call you saviour
when pain surrounds, i'll call you healer
when silence falls, you'll be the song within my heart

I will praise you, i will praise you
when the tears fall, still i will sing to you
i will praise you, Jesus praise you
Through the suffereing still i will sing

when hope is lost, i'll call you saviour
when pain surrounds, i'll call you healer
when silence falls, you'll be the song within my heart

I've had questions, without answers
I've known sorrow, i have known pain
but theres one thing, that i'll cling to
you are faithful, Jesus your true

when hope is lost, i'll call you saviour
when pain surrounds, i'll call you healer
when silence falls, you'll be the song within my heart

I will praise you, i will praise you
when the tears fall, still i will sing to you
i will praise you, Jesus praise you
Through the suffereing still i will sing X2

when hope is lost, i'll call you saviour
when pain surrounds, i'll call you healer
when silence falls, you'll be the song within my heart

Monday, March 08, 2010

facing baggage

In community groups we are talking about our child hood,our relationship with our parents and just digging deep so that as a community we can help one another and allow God to help us heal , I wanna say this I am one scared and also happy we are in these discussions in group.I'M most of the time an open book,but other times not.I guess being an open book sometimes is good,I really dunno,I don't like to hide stuff.There are issues that are down deep some issues people know about,but even thought they are people know about them and I have talked to people about them its time to let God help me to heal ,and to allow people that he has put in my life help me and know how to pray and for me to know how to be praying for them.I will say this I had a good child hood God blessed me with such a wonderful mom who has a heart that is bigger that the state of Texas an Alaska combined, yes there are times in my life we I have gone through the good the bad and the ugly ,I think we all have in some point in our life.

I will say this Jesus Christ has the power to ...
He has the power to:
1. heal me
2.beat Gauchers Disease
3. beat Vertigo
4. beat glaucoma
5. heal myheart ache and hurt
6. heal me from self a steam issues
7.fully restore my mom and I's relationship
8. is there anything he doesn't have the power to..,I am still standing,I'm alive and breathing
9.I can see

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

life's trials

17 Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,

18 yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.

The Lord is carrying me though every step of life's trails , I will rejoice in the Lord .

Psalm 23

1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,

3 he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.

4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, a]">[a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.

6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

What ever the Devil is trying to throw at me ,I will not be harmed , the flaming arrows will not hit me , and because of the Lord I am still standing

Monday, February 08, 2010

every where is a mission field

Every single place you and I walk is a mission field,the mission field is not just in the 3rd world countries,its everywhere.I have to remind my self of this as well.MR Rogers asked us in a song who are the people in your neighbor hood,Jesus ask us the same question to us. As disciples of Christ we are commanded to go and make fishers of men, your neighbors and the people in your surrounding community are just as valuable to Christ as those a thousand mile away,or across the ocean.

Jesus Christ has the power to....

He has the power to...

1.undo everything the Gauhers has done to my body

2.restore sight

3.heal my mom and I's relationship

4.forgive sin

5.make the impossible possible

6.restore a country wrecked by disaster


Email me @ and share what Jesus Christ has done in your life!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Jesus loves me

Well I will start off by telling you where I saw God today, he showed up when I went to get my school records today , and when I went in to this place the lady that helped us was the person who pulls the records , now she doesn't usually come into that location of the place that I had to go sign the paper work. But I signed the paper and the lady was like I will have them for you in a couple of days, now this is something that normally takes about a month and a half to get ,so the lady said I will call you when I get the records and you can come and pick them up , or I can mail them to you. It is awesome Jesus shined his grace and mercy on me and turned a day that stuff seemed to throw things at me to irritate me . I will tell you this earlier today I got grouchy with others and I was not ver Christ like with my attitude ,but Sweet Jesus turned my day completely around!!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haiti Earthquake Relief

“In Haiti, clean water is a terrible problem even at the best of times,” said LWI Executive Director Gary Evans. “After a quake like this, it’s a crisis of epic proportions.”

Living Water International is mobilizing to help communities in Haiti restore clean water after the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere was rocked by a catastrophic earthquake yesterday.

Earthquakes destroy water systems. Pipelines break, electrical distribution systems fail, and hand-dug wells–—already questionable water sources–—are rendered useless or become contaminated with cholera, typhoid, and other waterborne diseases.


Your donations are needed, please give


Rally your family, friends, and church to pray for Haiti. Focus your prayers on the people of God in Haiti, that they help and mourn with the communities and families affected by the quake.

Stay informed

Watch this page and follow our updates on Facebook and Twitter, so you can be ready to be an advocate as new opportunities arise.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How great is Our God

The Lord has richly blessed me in many many ways , through His grace,mercy,and strength I have beaten Gaucher's disease ,my eye sight has been recovered,and I am alive and well.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

No Medical book, nor Doctor can or er will be able to explain why I am alive and healthy today, but I know this that I am alive because of the Lord,and He has a plan for my life. Have I always felt like going on and fighting another day, no but the Lord always rescues me .

Psalm 120 ( NIV)

A song of ascents.
1 I call on the LORD in my distress,
and he answers me.

2 Save me, O LORD, from lying lips
and from deceitful tongues.

3 What will he do to you,
and what more besides, O deceitful tongue?

4 He will punish you with a warrior's sharp arrows,
with burning coals of the broom tree.

5 Woe to me that I dwell in Meshech,
that I live among the tents of Kedar!

6 Too long have I lived
among those who hate peace.

7 I am a man of peace;
but when I speak, they are for war.

Psalm 121 ( NIV)

A song of ascents.
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?

2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;

4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;

6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.

7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;

8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

Friday, January 08, 2010

My news years goals to work on

1. be a better listener

2. be more tolerant with people

3. be more Christ like

4. read the Word more

5. journal more

6. Go back to school

Me Snowboarding