Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Avent Conspiacy

The Idea is to Worship fully,spend less,and give more,give more of what????Your time!!

.Spend time with that friend or family member

.Write them a letter telling them how much they mean to you.

.Bake some tasty treats ,or you could cook them their favorite dish!!!

. volunteer at a local shelter

The money you did not spend why not give it away,think about this there are things you can do to make a difference in this world one of them is Living Water,they go out and dig wells in places that don't have clean water for s an example of how the water if it was put in bottle would look

nasty looking huh,well imagine you or your kids having to drink that water.

Living water goes in a digs water wells so people can have clean drinking water that wont make them sick ,now this is what clean healthy water for drinking looks like