Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

do you really know me

things that annoy me

1.people in walmart that just let their kids scream. alarms and boom speakers
3.young teens that don't wear belts and their pants almost fall off.

my phobias

2.fork lifts
3.UPS,Fed express,and Wells Fargo trucks
4.large open spaces in buildings
5.tall buildings
6.MRI tunnels

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

things that sadden me

It breaks my heart to see and hear of all the Violence ,hatred in the world today,I the stuff on tv make my heart cry,in Baton Rouge alone it seems that every time you turn on the new there a shooting some where.What, bothers me more is animal be miss treat,and homeless,if i had the room i would take in every animal I see needing a good home,which brings me to the the asshole football player that is on trial for killing dogs,I say no trial send him straight to death role.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Minister of Sanitation

So, my new job with The Ring Community church is to sanitize the the nursery toys so the babies and little tots don't get sick,this is a very important job because little ones immune system is lower they tend to catch colds and stuff easier.I will start my new job on Tuesday,this will be in addition to my regular job being the minister of belonging and Josh,Meg,and Jess's helper in the office.

post a secret