Wednesday, November 04, 2009



Unforgiveness is something that can really hold us back from escaping the corruption of sin and living for God. Unforgiveness comes in many forms, such as bitterness, hatred, malice, holding grudges and resentment. It can actually block God's forgiveness of our sin and provides a foothold for the devil to influence our lives. Additionally, unforgiveness can plant a “root of bitterness” in us that leads to various damaging results (e.g. ruins the fruit of the Holy Spirit, stunts spiritual growth, contributes to physical illness). Like acid can destroy the vessel that holds it, so can unforgiveness destroy us when we harbor it.

here are ways I need you all to be in prayer for me ...

1.pray for me in my journey of allowing God to heal me from all the hurt in my life

2.pray not only that I can heal and forgive ,but pray that I can admit my wrongs and be forgiven